Sprouts - Selfpropelled 2/3/4 row







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Sprouts – Selfpropelled 2/3/4 row

The Tumoba SP2 (3&4) are harvesters designed to enable the larger sproutgrower to obtain high output and minimise labour requirements, whilst protecting the condition of the soil, even under the most adverse conditions.

The operators are seated at the front of the machine, one for each row to be harvested. A foot controlled arm with a stalkcutter attached is provided for each row. As the machine progresses through the crop, stalks are cut and hand-fed into the stripping heads adjacent to each operator.The buttons and leaves are stripped from the stalk and separated, the leaves returning to the ground and the trimmed buttons being conveyed by an elevator, are delivered into a bulkhopper mounted in the centre of the machine. Each model is built on a track laying chassis and powered by a dieselengine mounted at the rear of the machine and driven hydraulically.

To clean the product, loose leaf is removed by a leaf hoover and light trash is removed by an inclined separating belt. The stripped stalks are chopped into small lengths and returned to the ground.

Presorterunit built in: the “Butterfly 2.05”

The new generation 3 and 4-row sproutharvesters from the B4 series ( and sp3-4 option series) can, from now on, be fitted with a new type optical pre-sorter. we call this sorter the “Butterfly 2.05“.

With the “butterfly” bad sprouts are already discharged at the field .In this way it is prevented that good sprouts contaminate with rotten sprouts. f.e. sprouts affected by cabbage-fly or a bacterial disease.

The “Butterfly 2.05″is placed at the harvester in the sproutflow between the stripperelements and the hopper. The system contains, apart from the optical sorter, also a few other measures to get the sprouts in the hopper as clean as possible. So have traditional belts been replaced with web-conveyors with rubbered bars to discharge as much sproutchip and small leaf as possible. An oversize-web-belt is situated behind the leaf-hoover to discharge dead leaf and oversized sprouts and tops.

The rotten sprouts are, after being recognised by the optical system ,discharged by very fast pneumatic ejectors.


Sprout harvesters are fitted with Tumoba’s famous 6-knive-stripperhead, insertconesystem and deleaferset.


  • Automatic steering (one foot-controlled cutterarm connected to machine’s steeringsystem)
  • Fully enclosed cab with windscreen and wipers, cab heater, radio, lighting interior and exterior


  • Infinitely variable forward speed
  • Excelent manouvrability
  • No soil-compaction
  • Better working conditions
  • Labour saving
  • Quiet in operation, very durable and reliable